Friday, October 12, 2007

SGEU Anti-Privatization Handout - Part One

"It's our responsibility to refuse to sell liquor to people who shouldn't have it. It's the most important part of our job. Way more important than making a profit selling liquor.

If profit mattered, we'd be tempted to anyone with money to buy."

In other words, private business isn't nearly as moral as government unions.

They would risk their business licence to make a profit selling "Sour Puss" to an eighteen year old.

And who said unions were out of touch with reality?


Louise said...

Sanctimonious assholes.

pbanik said...

That is another dumb thing about Saskatchewan. Alberta has cheaper liquor prices than we do, because they have private liquor stores, which means a competitive market. Why should the government be the only one to sell liquor?