Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Last Refuge of The Damned

Here's the newest NDP election strategy; name calling.

Big Brad Wolf? Are you bloody serious?

The man who desires to remain as the Premier of Saskatchewan has his people send out this latest media release.

This is an embarassment to every citizen in Saskatchewan. We deserve so much better than name calling from our Premier.

If there was any doubt that this man and his team have gone way beyond their "past due" date, this latest media release should do it.



bss59 said...

The death march is quite apparent.
Name calling. Scare and smear. Whisper campaigns. Direct persoal attacks. No focus on policy. And an organized effort to knock down signs across the Province. Or maybe it's just high school students in every area of the Province
Add to all of the above, an organization that has run on volunteers in the past for election campaigns, that is now paying for door knockers ($10/hr), and union helpers ($100/day for expenses). What does that tell you?

Unknown said...


I think the picture says it all.

Happy Halloween, Lorne.

The NDP Boogeyman said...

One can only dream Paul...