Monday, October 22, 2007

Another Coincidence - Signs Disappearing in PA for the Sask Party

"Saskatchewan Party and Darryl Hickie supporter Bryan Rindal replaces the sign taken from his yard last Wednesday. Rindal says he is disheartened by the theft of about 60 signs in the Carlton area."
Has anyone ever asked the question, "Why do the NDP signs always remain in tact?"
This must be a karma thing....


Louise said...

This is going to backfire on who ever is doing it, IMHO. I can't imagine Saskatchewan citizens thinking that this is anything but petty and childish.

Viper said...

Maybe you should check College Avenue, hack. Like a steamroller for NDP signs went through Saturday night.

Pavlov said...

The problem I have allen about accepting what you say is that people that will stoop to remove another parties signs will also lie about thier own.

Deron said...

Really, Pavlov? If that's true, then it's very likely the Sask Party removing their own signs and lying about it.

Nice work!

Scott C said...

This is an election campaign. The 'dippers are just doing what they do best...heavy handed politics, strong arming union members, fear and smear campaign.

The NDP has no platform and no ideas. If they can't win the fight on the doorsteps, then they have to take to ripping signs down. Too bad for them their petty campaign of tearing signs down just makes them look desperate.

Desperate times call for desperate measures in NDP land.

Viper said...

I know victims of lawn sign abuse lie awake in the wee hours trying to figure out which partisan operative could have been responsible, but they lose sleep all for not.

DRUNKEN, WANDERING HIGH SCHOOL KIDS AIN'T GOT NO IDEOLOGY, YO! 8 times out of 10, I guarantee, petty vandalism.

No one said the city didn't have crime problems.

The NDP Boogeyman said...


If those same kids have no ideology, then why, if you have SK Party, Liberal and NDP signs, then only one party's signs are vandalized.

Then again, if one belongs to a group that approves of the vandalism, I can see where the attempt to misguide notions would come from.

That aside, you're the intellectual that also claimed that parties kicked down their own signs to make the other guys look bad...


pbanik said...

Yes, all the NDP signs were fine on that stretch of 14th Street between Acadia and Cumberland. It was the signs of the SaskParty, Liberals, Greens that were vandalized. I know, because I drove by that section at least 5 times/week when the election was taking place. The culprits identified have ties to the NDP anyways.