Monday, October 22, 2007

The PAC of the UFCW, Local 1400 - AKA The Lucky Charms Flyer

Some of the Lucky Charms Flyer's highlights-

  • Help avoid four years of bad luck
  • The Saskatchewan New Democratic Party is a political party that is pro-labour, pro-family, and pro-Saskatchewan.
  • Is it really "time for a change" to a party that is anti-labour, with a veiled agenda, and who makes things up? (Not unlike the UFCW, who bases an entire political campaign for the NDP on "We got lucky!")
  • You know who you can trust. You know who's on our side - labour's side. Vote for four more years of good luck - on Election Day, vote for the party of the workers - the New Democratic Party
  • Please pass this on to everyone you know that cares about the future of Saskatchewan.

Are leprachauns now running the Political Action Committee of the UFCW? You have got to be kidding...

Now that I realize that the success of the next four years will be based solely on luck, if the Sask Party wins, I'm going to the casino...

UPDATE - Lorne Calvert visits the land of leprachauns and faeries this afternoon at 3PM in Saskatoon (UFCW meeting)


Viper said...

I just learned a lot. Thanks for that.

The NDP Boogeyman said...

That's what the NDP Boogeyman is here for.

Scott C said...

The UFCW is doing everything in it's power to ensure their union sisters Sandra and Deb are not bagging groceries or stacking tomatoes on November 8, 2007.

The unions in this election have everything to lose. The pipeline to the premiers office will run dry in two weeks. They no longer have the access to power they have been blessed to have for the past 16 years. It's really a good thing that the unions traded serving their members for power. Now the members are turning on their unions.

Remember unions, screw your people over and they will screw you back three times as hard.

November 7th is not going to feel good for the NDP or their union lackeys.

The NDP Boogeyman said...


I hope you're right.

Personally, I have all kinds of time and respect for the people doing all the heavy lifting in unions. These are good and decent people.

Union leadership (if you can call it that) is another story.

How on earth did it get this bad.

Will there ever be a grassroots movement in the unions to actually work with a government, other than the NDP, and start co-operating for the benefit of everyone, as opposed to this adversarial tactic they have adopted, which is beyond damaging to all involved?

Scott C said...

That will likely occur when the old coffin dodgers retire in the next 3 - 5 years and the young people take these positions.

I tried to 'rage against the machine' from within the union and failed due to the 'old boys' mentaility. If you have less than 20 years, you're nuthin and I had 5 years, so I was nuthin!

I hope this will change in the future, but I have my doubts!