Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Saskatchewan Sign Kickers = Rocket Surgeons

Evidently, the Saskatchewan Sign Kicking Party was seeking some revenge for the segment John Gormley did on his program yesterday. So they created this little Facebook group .

The name of the group is "john gormley should go f*** himself".

The picture of the man on the right is indeed John Gormley, but not the Newstalk650 John Gormley.

Rather, this John Gormley happens to be the Green Party leader and member of the National Parliament for Dublin South East.

So, not only did these future Rhodes Scholars record themselves performing criminal acts by vandalizing election signs and then posting those acts on Facebook, but when radio host John Gormley read on his show what these idiots publicly admitted to, they sought revenge by putting up a picture of Ireland's Green Party leader, with the words "I Love C**K" tattooed across his forehead.

These kids couldn't be dumber if they tried.

UPDATE - The original Facebook group is down, but thank God for screenshots...


Unknown said...

I can't believe these kids would stoop so low as to call John Gormley a cigarette.

Hey kids, whack 'net skills - not!

Mommy and Daddy should take away your laptops and web enabled cell phones, you are more of a pain in the @ss than you are an @sset to your parent's campaign work.

Viper said...

Did you actually believe sign-kicking, which happens to every party, was organized by fully-grown adult members of a political party. Adjust your tinfoil hat, dude. Your paranoia's getting the better of you.

Louise said...

"Organized", maybe not. "Inspired by"? You bet.

Mark said...

Wow. They'd better quit now... every time they attempt revenge they just come off looking more stupid, inept and ignorant than before. Not every youth is as moronic as these, but -damn- those guys are idiots.

Christian Conservative said...

Absoultely beautiful... oh my goodness, these kids are morons... and most of them are supposedly on their school's honour roll?

Looks like our education standards have gone down...

huffb1 said...

How stupid. I can't vote because I'm under age so I got involved in a campaign. Most people my age don't understand anything about the political process so the majority of them should keep there mouths shut. It’s a good thing we don't get to vote until we are 18.

Look at me I'm 17 and I'm saying this about people my age.

These kids better get what they deserve from there Parents. a good kick in the @ss.

rabbit said...

These kids have clearly demonstrated why the voting age should be lowered. Our elections would benefit immensely from their wisdom, maturity, and sound judgement.

Actually, they've clearly demonstrated why the voting age should be increased to 35.

remember said...

And yet none of you boneheads have any objection to the four free hours of advertising that John Gormley and NTR give the Sask Fascists everyday.

So much for your concern for democracy you fabulous fans of fascism.

Unknown said...

Remember - all party leaders have a standing offer to visit Mr. Gormley whenever they want. Mr. Calvert is the only one who has begged off citing his "busy schedule". Of course, I can't imagine a politician who is too busy to talk to thousands of those he wishes to govern at one time, but that's another point.

As for your comments on Mr. Gormley, I believe the saying goes "if you have to stupe to name-calling, you've already lost the debate"

So have a nice day.

kanadienkyle said...

I must have missed the memo when the SK Party became fascists. Why do those who wish to sound smart and politically savvy always call people fascists?

Anyone care to explain?

The NDP Boogeyman said...

Let me try...

When the left don't have things going their way, they always stoop to name calling.

It's their learned sense of entitlement whereas the right realize that they have to work for everything they have.

This is not a good day for remember and his ilk, as they might be pushed to actually engage in personal accomplishments as opposed to riding the NDP gravy train.

pbanik said...

remember is a moron. No wonder Saskatchewan has been screwed since the CCF/NDP gained power in this province. They should go the way of the Liberal Party in Saskatchewan in terms of support. The Greens or some other party should be given a chance at opposition. They would make more sense than the Dipper crackheads.