Thursday, November 1, 2007

CUPE Local 5111 - Election Plea

This is getting embarrassing.

Among the claims above;
"Our participation in this campaign is not only necessary because of the effect any government has on health care services and employment, but also because of the effect a right wing political ideology will have on a publicly funded, publicly delivered health care system."

"We believe a Sask Party government will privatize many health care services" (Regardless of the fact that Brad Wall has emphasized over and over again that this will not be the case)

"Big business and corporations stand to make huge profits (dirty word) through privatization of public services"

The message is clear. CUPE is getting desperate.

And people like Brian Manegre, President of Local 5111 should lose their jobs for outright lying to their membership.


Unknown said...

Seriously, are you going to archive your site so that it can be resurected in 4 years. It would be fun to see all of these assholes explain how a SK Party government WASN'T the end of the world.

The NDP Boogeyman said...

One would hope that a Sask Party government is the end of the world for union executives and the SFL. The rank and file worker has been so manipulated by those organizations it's terrible.

I only hope that in this election, the rank and file really fight back against those idiots

Matt said...

If they're sending all this info to you, Boogeyman, I can only assume that the rank and file are finally seeing past the lies and are rebelling against their oppressive union execs.