Thursday, November 1, 2007

Imitation ...

... is the sincerest form of flattery.

Check out



Matt said...

It's actually just a dance-related blog that happens to have 'NDP" in front of it. No connection!

That webstie is as pathetic as the new "One Time" ad the NDP is putting on tv. If you haven't seen it, here's the link:

Matt said...

Hey Boogeyman, you're not going to believe this.
I just went back to NDP BOOGYMAN (no E) and he actually tried to tell me that he was you. Here's his post:

"This isn't the ndp Lance. I' m the ndp boogyman and I'm quitting this blog. I don't know who that other guy is who is pretending to the boogyman but he is a fake and I am the real guy.

I've lost hope with all the sask party people pulling down their own signs ect. The sask party can't win so I'm shutting this blog down. The other fake guy can continue being fake. I am and always was the real boogyman."

The other fake guy can continue being fake. I am not fake I am the opposite of fake which is real because I am real.

Give me a break!

The least he could have done was use an 'E' in 'boogy' and find a synonym for 'fake'. His first post was pathetic, but this one is just sad.

The NDP Boogeyman said...

These people are desperate. I seem to be having quite an effect on not only Sask Party supporters, but rank and file union members that are sending me all of the union mailers.

That's not supposed to happen.

But it is...