Sunday, March 27, 2011

This Is Beautiful!

Lol.... What happened to Blaise and the rest of SK Party caucus?


Trent said...

Whenever I'm mentioned by the socialist party they always suggested that I'm repeating what I'm told by the Saskatchewan Party brass. For some reason NDP's just can not fathom that a truck driver could possibly think for himself.
The truth is that I am very capable of forming and voicing my own opinions. The fact that the NDP can't believe that says a lot about their opinion of blue collar workers.

The NDP Boogeyman said...

You're right about the left. The don't believe in the individual. Only in the collective.

They have no comprehension of people doing what they do without expecting something in return. Their world consists of puppets and puppet masters.

Do you really think Larry Hubich and Dwain Lingenfelter like each other? They're both using each other as a means to an end.

And that's why people in SK just aren't buying what they're selling anymore.

Trent said...

(Sask Party Watch blog has blocked all comments on the website, that is why I am addressing Kent E. Peterson on this blog, rather than his.)

It appears that Kent E. Peterson, like most NDPs, only knows his party's revised version of their history and not the real version, which is too bad. Because if Kent E. Peterson knew the real version he would know that CCF/NDP demigod and Ku Klux Klan associate, Tommy Douglas, was sued for slander and lost. Making Tommy the only Premier in Canada to be certified a liar by his own courts.

When I retire from truck driving I intend to teach a history class for misinformed socialists, like Kent E. Peterson, but until that day comes when I pop the air-brakes for the last time, I suggest Kent E. Peterson refrain from defaming practicing lawyers such as John Gormley and Ezra Levant. Unless, of course, Kent E. Peterson wants to share Tommy-Two-Wives’ fate.