Friday, March 25, 2011

Something Stinks

The fact that someone, anyone dumped medical records in a dumpster is not political news.

Of course it's very bothersome news for the patients. But as for making hay on this issue in the Legislature, some questions remain unanswered.
  • Where did the records come from? A private practitioner's office, or a hospital.
  • Who dumped the records? Some unthinking person, or someone with a political agenda?
  • And the most important question, why was the NDP Deputy Leader Kevin Yates called first? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to call the Department of Health, Department of Justice or the privacy commissioner rather than an Opposition MLA? That is unless the caller wanted to score some political points against the Wall government.
Yates is in political trouble in his constituency. He knows it. The NDP know it.

And this isn't the first time Yates was contacted first instead of the government when trouble was brewing.

So there's a pattern here of Kevin Yates getting the heads up before the government does.

And that, in addition to the patient's concerns, is why this issue deserves a closer look.


Unknown said...

Best part of the CBC story was watching Kevin Yates stand and watch as the elderly gentleman climbs in and out of the dumpster.

The NDP Boogeyman said...

I wonder of Kevin got a glimpse of any of those records. That would be wrong

Paulie said...

Gormley had an interesting comment about this yesterday. A small percent of greased-in NDP stooges in the civil service who's first reaction is to call Yates or Atkinson before they report this to thier bosses or the appropriate department. I hope after November more of these politicos get thier marching orders! And what the hell was Yates doing touching those records anyway?

Trent said...

The NDP are so desperate for a scandal involving the Sask Party that they are trying to create one out of nothing.

If Kevin Yates thinks he scored any political points from being on camera in the middle of this discovery he is sadly mistaken. By being there he just invites speculation as what his involvement really is.

Cam Broten is another one who keeps inserting himself into issues in hopes of making them a "scandal". For a man who almost always has an angry scowl on his face - both on and off camera - Broten should avoid being seen as angry and indignant.