Thursday, March 17, 2011

Regina Lumsden NDP Candidate Brian Sklar

Doesn't believe in longer sentences for pedophiles. It's the parent's fault.

Sklar is not just a federal NDP candidate. He is presently the Communications Officer for the Saskatchewan NDP Caucus, brought back into the fold by Dwain Lingenfelter.

No smart ass comment from me could ever enhance the stupidity of this Tweet.


Paulie said...

What an absolutely moronic point of view! I hope this poor excuse for a human being gets thrown to the wolves for this!!

Graham Reid said...

I think he's saying that harsher jail time doesn't fix the problem, that money should be spent elsewhere, not just on jails. He doesn't say pedophiles should have easier sentences, he says that harsher sentences wouldn't be necessary if childcare (etc) was addressed. It's not that hard to read...

Miguel said...

You are endorsing brian sklar point of view. I see you condoning pedophilia. Piece of shit NDP supporter. He is an anti gun moron, yet has his own musical band called the tex pistols. An anti gun advocate using guns to promote his band.