Monday, April 4, 2011


After potentially defaming not one, but two lawyers in a single post, rightwingbob aka former NDP VP Kent E. Peterson has added a "fine print" disclaimer to his blog Sask Party Watch;

"Sask Party Watch is a comedy blog intended to entertain you on matters pertaining to Saskatchewan politics. Should any material on this site offend you, we recommend that you get thicker skin but if you are on the verge of nervous breakdown please accept our half hearted apologies in advance and get a life!"

While a simple comedic disclaimer won't protect rightwingbob from future potentially litigious posts, we appreciate the fact that he has come to the conclusion that many of us already know. Sask Party Watch is one big joke...
We appreciate this rare moment of clarity.


Lance said...

Doesn't a comedy blog have to include humour?