Monday, November 8, 2010

NDP Orc Alert - Chris Gallaway

As with our other blog, we want to make sure the public is aware that Letter to the Editor writers in many cases are not just your average citizen, but rather political hacks ...

Today's NDP Orc is Chris Gallaway with his November 06th LTTE in the Star Phoenix

Just your average concerned citizen writing about the the vitriol in the Legislature... Not so fast.

Here are the results from the 2007 Saskatchewan general election. Seems as though Mr. Gallaway was the NDP candidate in Martensville, gathering 18.24% of the popular vote.

In October of 2007, also featured Mr. Gallway as one of the candidates who sounded suspiciously like four other NDP candidates in the last election. If Gallaway had difficulty writing his own campaign material, did he actually write his own letter to the newspaper?

On the positive, with an 18.24% approval rating in Martensville, he still rates higher than Dwain Lingenfelter.

Maybe Mr. Gallaway has leadership aspirations?